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Aufnahme eines Ballonstart am Esrange Space Center aus dem Film "Sunrise - An den Grenzen des Machbaren" 2024
Sunrise Documentary LIFF Sweden Laurel
BEST EDITING - CineTech Future Fest - 2024
Sunrise Documentary RSFF 2044 Laurel_edi
Laurel Berlin Sci-Fi Filmfest Sunrise III
Sunrise Documentary Stockholm Film Fest Laure

At the Frontiers of Feasibility


Documentary 2024



Akinema produces documentaries on a wide range of topics, often related to science, research, and societal issues.

Our focus is on the development and realization of commissioned works and our own projects, which we carry out in close collaboration with prominent research institutions. We emphasize a long-term cinematic documentation of research projects to highlight the dynamics and challenges of scientific labour.


In addition, we offer a wide range of film-related services, especially for museums, scientific institutions, and cultural organizations that aim to bring complex topics closer to the public audience. Whether it's a short film, video installation, or a 30-second clip – we develop the right media solution for your needs.

We look forward to your project ideas – feel free to email us at:

Sunrise 3 Science Teaser
Fragl. Herkunft Trailer
Zur Anthropologie der Wissenschaften
Kurios war dann noch mein Abgang
Es ist ein Wunder geschehen
Autonome Artefakte Trailer [Documentary 2019]
Roboter Pepper wird von einer Frau umarmt aus dem Film "Autonoma Artefakte" 2019
Reinraum des Max-Plank-Instituts für Sonnensystemforschung aus dem Film "Sunrise - An den Grenzen des Machbaren" 2024


Akinema was founded in 2019 by filmmakers and cultural anthropologists Johannes Kohout and Janek Totaro as an independent production company for documentary films.


Our films often focus on people and their work, which we examine in interaction with social, technical, and ecological conditions. In doing so, we frequently explore the diverse facets of scientific labour that remain hidden behind published results.


A significant portion of our projects has been developed in collaboration with renowned research, cultural, and funding organizations, and they have been financed through public funds at the federal level. Major projects, such as the documentary films Sunrise – At the Frontiers of Feasibility and Autonomous Artifacts, have been showcased at film festivals and science festivals worldwide and have received numerous awards.

Johannes Kohout und Janek Totaro Akinema Esrange Space Center Sunrise III.png.jpg
Johannes Kohout und Janek Totaro Akinema 2.png.jpg



Agritransformations (in production) 

with: Verbund Transformationsforschung agrar, BMEL Lower Saxony, Department of Animal Science Göttingen, Chamber of Agriculture in Lower Saxony, NABU Lower Saxony,

and various agricultural production enterprises


Sunrise - At the Frontiers of Feasibility (2021-2024)

with: Max Planck Institut for Solar System Research, 

Esrange Space Center & Swedish Space Corporation, NASA

Fragl. Herkunft (2021-2022)

with: Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.

and the museums of Einbeck, Uslar, Osterode and Alfeld

Autonomous Artifacts (2017-2019)

with: Ars Electronica, Robotpartner, Humanizing Technologies,

Otto Bock, University Medical Center Göttingen,

Lumidolls Barcelona, Bit-Bots Hamburg,

Institute of Social Psychology Duisburg

Commissioned projects:


Short Films about Provenance Research (2024-2025)

Production of Short Films | Forum Wissen


Sonnenansichten (2024)

Conception and production of a 30-minute video installation for the exhibition Sonnenansichten | Forum Wissen

Origins of Visual Anthropology (2024) (2024)

Postproduction of the found footage film Origins of Visual Anthropology | Beate Engelbrecht

German Emmigration Center Bremerhaven (2021-2022)

Production of interviews for the exhibition "...bisschen anders, aber genauso" as well as research and production of found footage films films for the permanent exhibition


In Darkest Times (2021)

Production of a 60-minute digital exhibition at the Felix Nussbaum House | Institute of Music, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

pi-ar Agency for Communication and PR (2019) Conceptualization and production of a 10-minute promotional videoinstallation about the work of the Logistics Center of Lower Saxony


Akinema Filmproduction
Kohout/Totaro GbR
Groner Straße 10
D - 37073 Göttingen

+49 (0) 152 2622 3633
+49 (0) 176 2886 6580


Akinema Film- und Medienproduktion für die Wissenschaftskommunikation

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Webdesign by Akinema


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